Creativity Magazine

Art Makes Radio Waves: If Yer Gonna Banter, You Need A Banner

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

If you go to the website of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane, you’ll see a number of little banners scrolling across the top of the screen. One of them looks like this:

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Banner for Joyful Catholic radio program, Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane, Washington, caricature of host Eric Meisfjord sitting at microphone with cup of coffee

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Who’s the joyful radio host? That’s Eric Meisfjord, the communications director for the diocese, and one of my favorite clients. Eric has asked me to do Christmas covers for the diocesan news magazine for many years now, and I was delighted when he recently requested a web banner for a new diocesan radio program called The Joyful Catholic.

It’s a toss-up, really, as to who’s got the zanier sense of humor: Eric or myself. Which means a lot of crazy ideas get tossed around, and there are always some interesting “alternate takes.” This one, for example, which had Eric sporting a Pope Francis tie.

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Banner for Joyful Catholic radio program, Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane, Washington, caricature of host Eric Meisfjord wearing a Pope Francis necktie

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The new program debuted last October. Talk format, each segment 30 minutes long. Eric’s the host, talking to a single guest– a Catholic– about how their faith informs their daily life– sometimes in unexpected and funny ways.

Eric put it this way in a press release prior to the first show:


“There’s a perception out there, perhaps, that people who live their faith are, frankly, glum. And that is never my experience. I want to tell some of those stories, let these people share their sense of hope, of joy, that their faith gives them, wherever they go, whatever they do.”


This next design had Eric using his microphone as a bubble wand. I was trying to convey the fact that the good-humored guests are a mix, and include laity, clergy, and Religious.

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Banner for Joyful Catholic radio program, Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane, Washington, caricature of host Eric Meisfjord using microphone as bubble wand to blow little people bubbles representing his guests on the radio program

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When I send Eric rough sketches of my ideas, I always try to include one just to make
him laugh– one that’s a little too far-out for him to actually use. In this case, I had Pope Francis listening to the show on an iPod with earbuds, and giving a thumbs-up. I was so amused by the idea, I wound up doing a final.

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Banner for Joyful Catholic radio program, Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane, Washington, caricature of Pope Francis who is listening to radio program on iPod with earbuds and giving thumbs-up sign

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I assumed my radio career was over, but no: a few weeks ago I got a shock: Eric asked me to be a guest on the show.

How does a New Hampshire guy guest on a radio program in Washington State? As it turns out: easily. It’s all done via phone, and recorded for later broadcast. The shows are posted on the website, and you can listen to them anytime– no special equipment needed.

Can I recommend the shows featuring yours truly? Well, yes– if you’re a masochist or an insomniac… : )


Here are larger versions of all the banner art:

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Promotional art for Joyful Catholic radio program, Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane, Washington, caricature of host Eric Meisfjord sitting at microphone with cup of coffee

Promotional art for Joyful Catholic radio program, Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane, Washington, caricature of host Eric Meisfjord wearing Pope Francis tie

Promotional art for Joyful Catholic radio program, Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane, Washington, caricature of host Eric Meisfjord using microphone as bubble wand to blow little people bubbles representing the guests on his radio program

Promotional art for Joyful Catholic radio program, Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane, Washington, caricature of Pope Francis who is listening to radio program on iPod using earbuds and giving thumbs-up sign

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I’m convinced faith and humor are natural allies– any thoughts on that?

Are you a radio person? Do you have a favorite show you listen to?

Are you one of those geniuses who built a crystal radio when you were a kid??

Hope you’ll leave a comment.

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