I can’t even remember how many times I’ve bought a bottle of wine simply because the label art was so appealing. Sometimes classy, sometimes whimsical, sometimes historically based, sometimes ultra-modern…all fun.
2006 Pasos Vineyards (Lodi) Malbec
I ran across a post on TheCoolist* entitled “30 Creative and Unusual Wine Label Designs” and enjoyed a lot of those shown…then started checking out some of my own favorites I have hanging around. Fortunately, most are actually bottles I bought because the wine was good…the art just helped close the deal.
Here’s one of my favorites, a 2006 Pasos Vineyards (Lodi) Malbec. While I’m not usually a huge Malbec fan, this one was very much to my liking…and the label was bright and bold and eye-catching. It just so happens to fit quite nicely with a decanter and glasses set I have.
2005 Michael David Winery Petite Petit Sirah
Lodi wineries have a knack for great art on their labels. I think Michael David Winery really broke ground in the region with some fantastic themed bottles like the well-known 7 Deadly Zins and Seven Heavenly Chards, and a host of great spinoffs from that like the Rapture, Lust, and Gluttony labels. My favorite is the Petite Petit bottle featuring circus elephants. Great stuff.
Enjoy the list of 30 cool designs on TheCoolist…but those are just 30 of the hundreds and hundreds of great examples out there. Art and wine definitely go together…often right on the bottle.