Fashion Magazine

AROUND TOWN: New Art Exhibit Opens in Jersey City

By Christina Carathanassis @cbellescloset

Crowds Gather at Vito A. Lofts as Friend/Artist Duo Open Doors to "a knight to remember" Exhibit

July 10, 2019: It certainly was a knight to remember as Jersey City artists Mark Finne and Anthony Boone opened the newest exhibit in the Vito A. Lofts lobby gallery at 190 Christopher Columbus Drive.AROUND TOWN: New Art Exhibit Opens in Jersey City

A public event, guests were invited to peruse the latest installment experience - including paintings, mixed media, sculptures and 2 knights flanking the entrance to the event. With a shared passion for recycling and upcycling - the works of the duo reflect and encompass a fresh approach to sustainable innovation.

"The show focuses on work that I created from recyclable materials," said artist Anthony Boone. "From old dried paint and metals found thru the years on the railroad - to yard sale finds that I have transformed into works of art."

AROUND TOWN: New Art Exhibit Opens in Jersey City
Boone's concept of 'old meets new' births a full spectrum of virtuosity that delights the eye and soul.

At the front of house, Mark Finne's newest original concept carries a profound message. "The knight is a powerful icon," said Finne. "He is a warrior; a beast. An authoritative figure who represents the power of man - and in this case, the power we have to save the planet."

AROUND TOWN: New Art Exhibit Opens in Jersey City
The life-size pieces carry his trademark ROYGBIV palette and are adorned with sliced/hammered metal cans, scrap metal and even repurposed aluminum foil.

Guests were treated to an array of custom, frosty beverages to beat the heat and jazzy tunes from local favorite Kieran Sullivan + ensemble. This multi-level affair also included the closing of Finne's spring aw8kening show on the third floor, graciously hosted by ACUWORX Acupuncture Studio.

Open to the public, the a knight to remember installation can be viewed thru October 10, 2019. All pieces are available for purchase - please click for more information.


190 Christopher Columbus Drive, Jersey City, NJ

For more information on viewing/purchasing/commissioning artwork, please visit / IG: @MarkFinne ; BooneArtLife.Org / IG: @ BooneArtLife

Venue @ TheVitoALofts

Photos: @ Panos_Nineteen

Music: @ kieranccroots

@markfinneart exhibitBooneArtLifeChristabellesCloset.comchristina carathanassisfinneland.comjersey city artistjersey city artistsjersey city arts scenemark finne

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AROUND TOWN: New Art Exhibit Opens in Jersey City

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