Fashion Magazine

Army Jackets

By Jess_kemp @JessicaJKemp
I have been trying to get my paws on an army jacket for ages now. I know they have them in Urban Outfitters but i'm just not willing to pay over £50 for them when if i look hard enough i will find one in a charity shop, so frustrating!
Anyway the lovelyyyy Katie looks SO cute in hers here: 
Army Jackets
Army Jackets
Teamed with a skirt (as dress) from American Apparel, Chelsea Boots from Office,and we all know I love a  fur stole! Hers is also from H&M. 
Follow this cutie here: on Blogspot for outfit posts, and fashion!
I WILL get hold of an army jacket soon. Hiiiiii eBay!! 
What do you guys think? Such a cute outfit right?
Stay Cute,Jessie xoxo

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