According to court records , a New Jersey man was texting while driving when his vehicle strayed out of his lane, hit a motorcycle and severely injured both motorcycle riders. The injured couple sued the driver and the person who sent him the text when the accident occurred.
No Texting While Driving | AT&T Texting and Driving Campaign
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Five Apps that Help Prevent Texting While Driving
Each year, about 6,855,555 people are killed in road accidents. This is a mind-numbing number of deaths for the worst reason in the world. This means that over 8,555 people die every single day due to collisions on the road. With numbers like that, you start to wonder how the world is still on the way to overpopulation.
Texting While Driving Simulator | AT&T It Can Wait Campaign
When thinking about distracted driving, one's mind generally gravitates towards motor vehicle accidents. Assuming that distracted driving stops with cars, trucks, and motorcycles however would be a mistake. The same distractions that affect drivers on the road today also hinder Read More
8775 The effects of texting on driving performance in a driving simulator: The influence of driver age 8776 , Rumschlag and Palumbo, et al, Wayne State University, (Accident Analysis and Prevention) Dec. 7569 older drivers are more adversely affected by texting while driving than drivers while using a driving simulator to measure lane excursions
First thing I noticed was they said his head was in the back seat so I knew they were making up stuff so it 8767 s hard to believe the rest of the story
Yes, even if a state does not have a specific law against hand-held phones, many can still get you on a related charge, such as distracted driving, unsafe operation of a motor vehicle, etc.
This also means that you aren't allowed to answer calls or look at what that notification that just arrived was about. In fact, you just need to pull over and answer if it is so important! This will take you all of one minute, but it seems like a lot of people can't spare 65 seconds to save their life.
And you can also jump off a building and not die. That doesn 8767 t make it a good idea to jump off buildings. There is simply no way that concentrating on a cell phone instead of on your driving can be regarded as anything but a risky manuever. Yes, a few people will get away with it many times, and a few people will get nailed the first time, and everything in between. However, sooner or later, it 8767 s going to catch up with you, just as jumping off buildings will catch up with you sooner or later. There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots.
Jonathan Adkins, executive director of the GHSA, made the same point. "It's actually adults between the ages of 75 and 95 who are the biggest offenders," he said.

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