Society Magazine

Are You Smart Enough to Decipher This Ad?

Posted on the 24 January 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

Please watch this ad, but stop the video before you get to the 1:00 mark.

What “Happy 40th Anniversary” is meant by the well-dressed black man with the seductive voice, holding a red rose?

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The ad is the product of the Center for Reproductive Rights, and the 40th anniversary is of the 1973 Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade that made abortion — the killing of innocent unborn human persons — lawful.

Ryan Bomberger, a black pro-life leader, responded to the ad saying: “The Center for Reproductive Rights, like Planned Parenthood, certainly understands its main demographic. Happy 40th Anniversary Baby ironically uses a man (who is normally treated [by feminists] as persona non grata) to pitch abortion. The fact that they use a black man just screams irony . . . with the black abortion rate as high as it is and black fathers as absent as they are, it’s just sick to see Mehcad Brooks shill for the number one killer in the black community, and the killer of 55 million plus since ’73.”

In the 40 years since Roe v. Wade, more than 54.5 million American babies were murdered through abortion. That’s more than the population of the following countries (a select list):

  • South Africa, pop. 51.77 million
  • South Korea, pop. 50 million
  • Columbia, pop. 46.89 million
  • Spain, pop. 46.815 million
  • Argentina, pop. 40.117 million
  • Canada, pop. 35 million
  • Iraq, pop. 33.33 million
  • Venezuela, pop. 28.9 million
  • Afghanistan, pop. 25.5 million
  • Australia, pop. 22.881 million
  • Netherlands, pop. 16.775 million
  • Belgium, pop. 11.139 million
  • Greece, pop. 10.815 million

California is the largest state (by population, not territory) in America, with an estimated population in 2012 of 38.041 million. Since Roe v Wade, we’ve killed 16.46 million more human lives than the population of California.

John Jalsevac of LifeSiteNews calls the ad “the creepiest abortion ad ever.” I think Jalsevac is being both too charitable and inaccurate.

This is an evil ad, celebrating the killing of innocents.

Instead of a suit and tie, Mehcad Brooks, the actor in the ad, really should be in a red cape, sprouting horns.

Tears for the 54.5 million little human persons who were slaughtered….


A big h/t to FOTM’s Stephanie O.


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