Running from the own shadow Reading the book kept on the shelf Here I have come in the light's glow In search for myself!
Who are you really? Are you the person who hides from the world or is protected from the world by the supreme? Similar questions I ponder upon whenever I feel something amiss.The discussion about my my very own existence seems to end nowhere. There is light at the other end of the tunnel, they say. My question is, 'How long is the tunnel?
Several times I surmise the facts that may or may not be wrong. Either they would be partially right, either partially wrong. As a kid, when you are protected from the evil society, you tend to be someone who is lacking the natural vigor, the valor is missing. The natural environment needed for it to flourish is not provided.
Another saying is, when the time bestows its magic upon thou, you may get the prowess to fight even the hardest of the battles in life. Where is the preparation? What role the preparation plays then? Or is it best to say that preparation is something pre planned by the destiny?
The world is a stage. Your participation is mandatory. You choose the characters, you choose your own friends, you make your own enemies, you live as you wish. Is this really you?
A lot of questions popping up in my mind as I sit down and write this post on the most controversial question, 'Are you really what you really are?'
Lurking in the jungle Waiting for the night to pass Surrounded by the rumble I am alive, alas!
Living in the world so wild (in a different way though), the life is nothing more than a roller coaster ride. The understanding that once existed is hiding somewhere behind a large cloud of deep thought, which never ceases.
A voice from within the deep corners of the head is shouting, screaming to be let out from the doors bolted long time ago, but I guess the outside noise is suffice to quiet it. Isn't it so?
Overpowered by the emotions Of the angels and the demons Within all these commotions Find yourself, in the long lost sermons!