Books Magazine

Are You Ready to Read?

By Whatsheread

Are you ready to read?

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I cannot adequately express how excited I am for this summer readathon. Everything about it fits my schedule this time of the year. My weekends are less hectic, and the 7 PM CDT start is much easier to accommodate. I cannot usually participate in either the fall or spring events because of timing issues, so I am jumping at the chance to do so now.

In fact, I am using this summer readathon as an excuse for some much-needed self-care. I booked myself a nice hotel room in Milwaukee, packed all sorts of goodies for myself – bath bombs, facial masks, cozy blankets, fuzzy socks, candles, etc. – and plan to use this weekend to unwind and reset. As Holly keeps reminding me, I am the only person in the family not to have some sort of vacation, and she is right. So before we get right back into school, competition season, and budget season, I need this time. That it means I get to read while indulging myself is icing on the cake.

For that reason, I have no plans this weekend. I have print books. I have audiobooks. I have e-galleys. I have e-books. What I read will depend on my mood, and how I read will depend on whether I want to do something else at the same time. Do I want to work on my cross-stitch project or plan out my August bullet journal? Audiobook it is. Do I want to sit outside on the patio? Kindle. Soak in the tub? Print. I don’t plan to socialize or see the sights. This is my time, and I am going to do what I damn well please.

Any updates you see are going to be via Instagram or Twitter (@whatsheread) for both. I plan to avoid news for mental health reasons but will always be found on IG or Twitter. I will be checking in with everyone there, cheering on other participants and in general getting into the spirit of the event. I wish everyone a fun readathon with lots of delicious snacks, excellent books, and great companionship! Ready, set,…let’s read!

Are you ready to read?
Are you ready to read?
Are you ready to read?
Are you ready to read?
Are you ready to read?
Are you ready to read?
Are you ready to read?
Are you ready to read?
Are you ready to read?
Are you ready to read?
Are you ready to read?
Are you ready to read?

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