Most everyone has been invited to participate in a blood drive. Are you one of the only three percent of Americans who donate? Or are you one of the 97% who don't? There's a constant struggle to keep adequate supplies of blood on hand. But just who needs those blood donations? What do all those blood designations mean? Is all blood equal, or are there #missingtypes that are badly needed?
If you've never needed blood yourself, you probably haven't thought much about who does. Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. This list of just some of those in need probably hits closer to home than you realized. It includes:
- Kids battling cancer
- Accident victims
- New moms with childbirth complications
Of course, it's easier to be concerned when it's friends or family. But every one of those in need is a real person, with family and friends of their own. And they need your help.
When It Comes To Blood, We're Not Equal
One of the reasons that it's difficult to maintain adequate supplies of blood is that we don't all contain the same blood, or blood type to be accurate. You probably know the most basic classifications, A, B, and O. But in reality there are 35 different human blood groups. Some are compatible with others, and some are not. Some are more common in different ethnic groups, others are more or less common in different regions of the world.

What are The #MissingTypes ?
Obviously, if blood types were evenly distributed throughout the world, it would be less challenging to be prepared for blood needs. But the uneven distribution, compatibility (or non-compatibility), and a host of other factors means that there are #missingtypes that are desperately in need of replenishing. And it's not about what you may have heard about rare or common types. In fact, no matter what blood type you may have, there's a need. We're missing some letters, and only you can bring them back. Without more donors, patients will not have the type A, B or O blood they need.
That's why Boise Paper and The American Red Cross are trying to raise awareness through the Missing Types Campaign. Now in its second year, the Missing Types campaign is an international movement to inspire 325,000 people - including 50,000 who have never donated blood before - across the U.S. to help save lives by setting an appointment to donate blood.
Ms Career Girl is proud to be able to help spread the word and encourage you to make a pledge to donate blood at https:/ and visit to make an appointment today.

Get Committed! Get Involved! Someone Needs Your Type!
Once you've made a commitment, there's more you can do to support the Missing Types campaign. As part of its Paper with Purpose® promise, Boise Paper is committed to making a difference in the communities its customers and employees call home. In 2019, the company is demonstrating that commitment through its ongoing support of the American Red Cross.
Boise Paper is hosting a Sweepstakes June 11-30. You can click here for the chance to win up to $500.
To learn more about the Red Cross and the #MissingTypes campaign, be sure to join Boise Paper for the #ShareTheMissingTypes Twittter Chat on June 26. With your help, the Red Cross can continue to supply thousands of hospitals with life-saving blood.