Spirituality Magazine

Are You Fed Up With The Current System?

By Albert Wagner @albertwagner4

With the election season just passing a lot is said about politics on the news and in media in general.

Unfortunately, in the United States, discussions seem to be broken down into only two categories - Republican or Democrat. While the author disagrees with this, polarization it is political reality.

As this is a spiritual blog this post looks at how Christian values fit in with Republican or Democrat ideas.

What do each of these stand for? Does either one fit in more with Biblical values? Here is a brief, incomplete synopsis of what each represent.


Republicans largely believe in personal freedom and personal responsibility.

In other words you deserve what you earn, regardless of how "just" it is or isn't. If you have talent or can get people to buy your product, then you deserve whatever comes from it.

What is done is good for the individual.


Democrats largely believe in justice and shared responsibility.

In other words people are in it together. People were not born with the same talent and circumstances, so they put resources into a central location and distribute them to who needs them the most.

What is done is good for the whole.

(These summaries are oversimplified, of course, for comparison purposes).

What does the Bible proclaim?

Briefly, each party is in line with some ideas in the Bible, but not others.


A big one they are in line with is abortion. Individual liberties include your own body.

As the Creator of everything God values life. Here are some Bible quotes that disagree with abortion:

"Did not He who made me in the womb make him?
And did not one fashion us in the womb?" - Job 31:15

" But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and had called me through his grace" - Paul to the Galatians 1:15

"Whosoever shall shed man's blood, his own blood shall be shed,
For man was made in the image of God. " - Genesis 9:6


A big one they are in line with is social justice, especially with the poor and minorities. Social justice includes everyone, including those who lack the basics.

The most common Bible verse quoted to back up this position is found in Acts Of The Apostles.

" and lay them at the apostles' feet, and they would be distributed to each as any had need." - Acts Of The Apostles 4:35

This post could be viewed as a statement against the two party system, which it is. Neither party is fully in line with Biblical principles, and perhaps that is one reason for the decline in America.

It should be said that America is closer to a republic than it is to a democracy. A republic is representative government, whereas a democracy is rule by the majority.

If you vote for a candidate it doesn't mean you agree with everything they do.

A person will probably not agree with one candidate or one topic for every issue. The ideas go beyond political parties.

Perhaps the best things to do is follow Biblical guidance, regardless of the political party.

Hopefully this post helped spur you to think about the larger meaning of life and your place in it. It is up to you to make changes.

I urge you to look beyond what you experience each day and subscribe to the blog for more perspectives.

Are You Fed Up With The Current System?

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