Are you doing these 10 hair-care mistakes?
Hair defines the beauty of a female, isn’t it? All of us might be doing a lot of things to make your hair look gorgeous and rock the look, but there might be few things which you are doing in an absolutely wrong way or may not be doing at all which is ruining the complete hair game. Bad hair day once is okay, but how is the feeling when you get bad hair every single day? Sounds bad right? Let’s find out what we all knowingly or unknowingly might be doing to ruin those pretty locks:

Combing the hair in the wrong way: What’s the right way? Ever wondered? No, right? It highly possible that you don’t even know the fact that you aren’t combing the right way. Combing the right way is starting from the bottom, i.e. combing the ends of the hair and then going to the roots. This helps release knots easily and thus reduces breakage.
Combing wet hair: You do this?? It’s the worst thing you can do to your hair I’m telling you! Wet hair has loose roots and combing it imparts a force on those wet and loose strands and will result in immense hair fall, it’s just like how uprooting a tree when the soil is wet!
Using plastic combs: Now here is physics. So plastic combs when rubbed on hair gets negatively charged and pulls the hair strands which isn’t the case when you are using a wooden or even a metal comb. This pulling of hair on regular basis firstly creates friction and also pulling force and again, alas, hair- fall!!
Using too much shampoo: I’m sure you must have watched a lot of advertisements which say shampoo daily and stuff, but are you really getting carried away by those advertisement gimmicks? Too much shampooing will strip off natural oil form hair leaving it dry and dull and lifeless and what not!
Too much heat styling on hair: Straightening, curling, or even blow drying might sound very fancy but this again does immense damage to hair. The heat if used regularly will damage the hair beyond repair. So if at all you are doing any sort of heat styling, do use a heat styling gel prior to usage to prevent damage.
Letting hair exposed to the sun: You do apply sunscreen to protect your skin from sun damage right? So why not hair? Even hair gets really damaged with the harsh sun rays and the UV lights. Do use a scarf on hair if you are too much exposed to the sun to prevent damage.
Not treating scalp issues: It’s where the complete scene starts. If you have an unhealthy scalp, no matter how much you take care of your hair it won’t get reflected. Find out the cure for your scalp issue (if any), treat that, and your locks with shine naturally!
Too much oiling of hair: Are you making your hair getting dripped in oil? No, don’t do that!! More the oil, more is the shampoo requirement to remove that oil, and more is the drying up of hair and stripping off of natural oil, UGHHHH, the complete cycle will damage your hair again. Oil just at the roots and that too just as much as required!
Tying hair too tight: Tying too tight is very much equivalent to pulling the hair from one place constantly, it will loosen your roots and result in hair-fall, so don’t repeat that again!
Not protecting hair at night: Always braid your hair at night, that not only will help prevent knots but also reduce split ends due to reduced friction because of those braids.
So, never again do these above-mentioned mistakes and see the change in hair yourself!