Fashion Magazine

Are You Bold Enough For Orange Shoes?

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
Look who has been making appearances on the blog so frequently now. Ahem Ahem! Either my photography has gotten better (in his opinion) or he has gotten comfortable with being in front of the camera. Either ways, I am happy to share this space with him. So far we have only been able to capture his weekend style. I need to make time and take pictures of his office-wear. He looks damn sharp! (; 
Men's Fashion, Ted Baker Shirt, Cargo Shorts, Canvas Shoes, Men's Fashion, Ted Baker Shirt, Cargo Shorts, Canvas Shoes, Men's Fashion, Ted Baker Shirt, Cargo Shorts, Canvas Shoes, Men's Fashion, Ted Baker Shirt, Cargo Shorts, Canvas Shoes, Shirt - Ted Baker Shorts - TJ Maxx Shoes - Nordstrom  Camera Bag - ONA Watch - c/o Daniel Wellington  Are You Bold Enough For Orange Shoes?

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