Do you support Barack Obama? How about Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Dianne Feinstein, or Barbara Boxer? Do you support the Democratic Party at all? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you are what is known in political parlance as a “useful idiot.”
No offense, I’m merely stating a fact. “Useful idiot” is the precise terminology that your own leaders use to describe you. Let me explain.
A useful idiot is someone who believes they are supporting a specific political agenda, while in reality they are supporting its exact opposite. The term was first coined by Vladimir Lenin to describe liberals and Democrats who thought they were working for a utopian society while in reality they were unwittingly supporting Communism. Under Communism, over a hundred million people were murdered in the 20th century. Hundreds of millions more were raped, tortured, enslaved, and beaten.
Today, these same godless Communists, calling themselves Progressives, have taken complete control over the Democratic Party. You can prove this to yourself by clicking on the links below. In fact, I dare anyone reading this to prove me wrong.
What does this mean for you? It means if you support Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Harry Reid, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, or the Democratic Party, you support Communism, pure and simple. And, by logical extension, you also support atheism, racism, intolerance, religious persecution, murder, torture, the eradication of the family, the removal of God from society and the replacement of God by the State, the destruction of Christianity and the Constitution, the end of free enterprise, the oppression of women, the genocide of the unborn, and the removal from society of everything that is noble and good within the United States and within the world. Again, I dare anyone reading this to prove me wrong.
Does this then mean that all Republicans are saints? Absolutely not. Corruption runs rampant within the Republican Party. However, by and large, the vast majority of Republicans in office support religious freedom, Christianity, the Constitution, the family, free enterprise, compassion for the poor, equality for women and minorities, and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This is particularly true on the state and local level. Again, it’s not every Republican, but it is most.
Don’t expect to learn any of these facts from your daily newspaper, your television news, or your classes at school. Our country’s media and education system are filled with communist progressives and useful idiots, as well. If you think you’re learning the truth about American history from what you see on television or what you hear from your teachers and professors at school, then you are no different from a child who believes in Santa Claus.
Now the question becomes what are you going to do with your newfound knowledge? Are you going to bury your head in the sand like an ostrich and pretend that everything I just said isn’t true? If you’re a coward, then I suppose you could do that. But if that’s the case, then you are worse than a useful idiot. You are a slave who is undeserving of liberty.
Are you going to actually follow the links below and educate yourself? If that is your choice, then I applaud you. You have both courage and an open mind. There’s no shame in having been duped by the Left. Many of today’s leading conservative voices were once Democrats. David Horowitz was raised by communist parents and was once a Democrat. Ronald Reagan was also once a Democrat, before declaring, “I didn’t leave them, they left me.” Reagan was referring to the takeover of the Democratic Party by communist progressives.
Whichever choice you make, whether to expand and educate your mind or to remain a useful idiot, will have enormous consequences, not just for your life, but for the entire world. Please choose wisely.