How many people do you know who kid around about being satanists? Well, Brad Pitt, one of the producers of the movie “Selma”, had this to say at the Toronto Film Festival while promoting his movie “Money Ball”:
“I related it more to my upbringing,” Pitt said. “I grew up in a very Christian environment, a healthy environment, a loving family. But there were just parameters and things I didn’t understand. I always questioned it and it took me to my adult years or leaving home where I could really try on something different for myself. That was Satanism. It’s working out really well. I made a pact. That’s why the movie came out so well.”
“He was joking,” claimed the press. And maybe he was, but doesn’t that strike you as an odd thing to joke about?
Here’s a picture of Pitt showing off what appears to be a Masonic ring. At Henry Makow’s excellent site ( you’ll find tons of info detailing the connection between Masonry and satanism.

Then there’s Pitt’s wife, U.N. Ambassador and CFR member Angelina Jolie. You can find a lot of info showing links between the United Nations and Satanism on Henry’s site, and here:

Here’s a picture of actress Carmen Ejogo who played Coretta Scott King in “Selma” wearing a Baphomet shirt. Doesn’t that strike you as a peculiar shirt for a rising actress to wear? She’s not a teenager or a musician in a heavy metal band, so why the Baphomet shirt? And why do we see Baphomet being promoted by so many entertainers, such as Beyonce, Kanye West, Rhianna, Lady Gaga, etc.?

Here are several pictures of the film’s director, Ava DuVernay, posing in what appear to be Masonic hand and arm gestures. Coincidence? Perhaps, but why are there so many of them?
I found these pics at In Search of Black Assassins:

Satanists? You be the judge.