Religion Magazine

Are Apostles and Prophets for Today?

By Sjbedard @sjbedard

My short answer is, I have no idea. I will say that I have not been convinced by biblical proof texts that suggest they died in the first century and that today we only have pastors, teachers and evangelists. The Bible is silent on the continuation of these offices.

I will also say that I am highly suspicious when someone announces themselves as an apostle or prophet. The reason I am suspicious is what they really mean is, here is my title and so you must unquestioningly accept my authority. That is very dangerous. No one has that sort of authority. An apostle or a prophet should have no more authority than a pastor, teacher or evangelist. Also, Jesus had something to say about people throwing around tittles to impress people.

If people today are acting in the role of apostle or prophet, that is great. I have no reason to doubt that is happening. But that is never going to get me to shut my mind down in response to their role.


  • Apostle
  • Authority
  • Cessationism
  • Evangelist
  • Five-fold Ministry
  • Pastor
  • Prophet
  • Teacher

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