As some of you may know, I hail from Arbroath on the east coast of Scotland.
Declaration of Arbroath

Arbroath Abbey

Arbroath Smokies are actually protected under European Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) which means that only Smokies made within a 5-mile radius of Arbroath can call themselves ‘Arbroath Smokies’, exactly the same as Champagne can only be made in that region of France or Parma Ham can only come from that part of Italy.
I am lucky enough to have grown up where these delicious fish are made and often eat them. I can tell you they are like nothing else you will have tasted. The smoky flavor imparted into the meat of the fish is beyond words.

I decided to incorporate Arbroath Smokies into a recipe here on Cakeyboi and actually came up with this a couple of years ago. However, I never got round to posting it until now.

My creation is the Arbroath Smokie Cupcake. Don’t worry, this is not a sweet cupcake, which would not be pleasant at all (although a local ice-cream shop did come up with a smokie flavor frozen confection once!). These are very much a savoury treat. A little baked ‘cupcake’ filled with the smoked fish in question and some strong cheddar cheese to compliment the flavor. I also add chive for a bit of freshness. To top things off, I add a swirl of a savoury cream cheese frosting and sprinkle with some more chopped chives.

To serve, the Arbroath Smokie Cupcakes are best eaten warm. They are much more tender that way and the cream cheese on top melts a little, adding some delicious moistness.

I would definitely eat these as a starter at a dinner party or as a snack, when you are in the mood for something savoury. I have even been told they would be delicious for breakfast!
The cupcakes will keep in a fridge, in an airtight container for a few days, but they will not last that long – believe me!
Arbroath Smokies can be ordered online from arbroathsmokies.net.
Here’s how I made them…
Arbroath Smokie Cupcakes

Cuisine: Savoury Category: Cake Yields: 12 Cupcakes
Prep Time: 30 Mins Cook Time: 15 Mins Total Time: 45 Mins
- 100 grams mature cheddar cheese grated
- 100 grams flaked Arbroath Smokie
- 250 grams self-raising flour
- half teaspoon salt
- half teaspoon ground black pepper
- 100 ml soured cream
- 100 ml full-fat milk
- 1 free-range egg
- 1 tablespoon chopped chives
- 250 grams full-fat cream cheese
- 75 grams unsalted butter, softened
- ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
- Chopped chives to garnish
- Preheat the oven to 200C. Line a cupcake tray with 12 paper liners.
- In a bowl stir together the cheese, Smokies, flour, salt and pepper.
- In a jug mix together the soured cream, milk and egg.
- Pour the wet mix into the dry and combine the ingredients just until no streaks of dry flour can be seen.
- Divide the batter between the 12 cupcake liners and bake in the oven for 15 minutes, or until golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean from the center.
- Allow the cupcakes to cool for 10 minutes then carefully remove the liners. (They will stick and take half the cake with them if you leave them any longer.)
- To make the ‘frosting’, beat the cream cheese, softened butter and black pepper together, until smooth.
- Either place into a bag and pipe onto the cakes or spread on top with a knife. Sprinkle on chopped chives for garnish.
- Enjoy your Arbroath Smokie Cupcakes.
I am entering these cupcakes into this month's Simply Eggcellent hosted by Dom at Belleau Kitchen. The theme this month is 'Savoury' and these cupcakes are most certainly that.

I am also entering them into Elizabeth's Kitchen Diary's Shop Local challenge as I bought my Arbroath Smokies locally.