Ok so I know this is a bit late and it is a bit of a funny shaped image but I have been fighting a bit of a technology problem and this is the best I can do. I know that I used to do this type of a post on a weekly basis but with so much going on it has been virtually impossible for me to keep on top of it and so I am going to make this a new monthly feature which I hope you enjoy. I will fill you in on all the things I have been doing over the last month as well as sharing some of my favorite blog posts and recipes. I am going to begin with the recipes that are pictured above, I am going to start in the top left hand corner and work in a zig-zag pattern through them:
- So I am starting with Chickpea Bean Bowl with Toasted Breadcrumbs & Dill Tahini from Dolly & Oatmeal. What do I need to say here other than it is chickpeas with peas and broad beans (fava beans) all of which I love with a super tasty dressing. This is going on my quick go to lunches list.
- My next offering if this Almost Raw Vanilla Nut Tiramisu from Oh Ladycakes! I have to tell you that I love every recipe from this wonderful blog, and believe me that is not an understatement, if you don't follow it you should. This recipe is one of the most inventive I have seen and to top it off it uses herbal coffee so not caffeine either, I just absolutely love it and something I can wait to make and share with guests.
- For those of you that follow my Instagram account you will know about my 30 day Smoothie Bowl Challenge and so I thought that my round up would not be complete without a smoothie bowl. I decided to go for this Super Green Smoothie Bowl from Minimalist Baker and now that will be added to my morning options. The full details of my challenge will be coming in a post next week so keep on the look out.
- The next beautiful recipe is Chickpea Brine Vegan Pavlova from Pickles n Honey and the reason I picked this is my love of meringue. It is one of the things I have really missed since turning vegan and never really braved making but with this recipe I might just give it a go. If I can make beautiful meringue without any eggs then there really is no reason to ever look back!
- I just felling love with this Roasted Pumpkin with Black Rice and Tangerine Tahini Sauce from My Darling Lemon Thyme the second I saw it. I can imagine tucking into this with a big green salad and sitting in my garden in the sun. Another stunning recipe from a truly lovely blog.
- If you want a really naughty breakfast then I think this Almond Butter Slated Caramel French Toast from Vegan Richa is definitely something that could tempt you. I challenge anyone to look at than image and not want to run and make themselves some right away.
- Since I have been doing my smoothie bowl challenge I have been doing nothing but eating bowls because I have reduced my meals to twice a day and in the mid afternoon I am generally eating a Glow Bowl/Buddha Bowl or whatever you want to call them. I absolutely love this Middle Eastern Bowl from Eat Spin Run Repeat as it is so well balanced and full of flavor and more tahini which seems to be my thing this month!
- I always love granola recipes and I absolutely love this Tropical Granola with Coconut Cashews and Macadamia Nuts from Heather Christo which is not only vegan but also gluten free plus I absolutely love macadamia nuts and there are never enough recipes using them.
- I think that any review of recipes over a month has to include a soup and I just loved this Tomato Harissa Coconut Bisque from Dishing up the Dirt. Not only is it absolutely full of flavor but it is also really quick to make, perfect if you fancy a snack for supper.
- This is a great Meyer Lemon and Almond Cake recipe from Scaling Back Blog that make a perfect afternoon snack. I love lemon and almonds and this is such a perfect combination and a stunning looking cake too.
- This Coconut Quinoa Power Bowl from The Clever Carrot looks like it should be a sweet dish but is actually savoury. Occasionally I will see a recipe that is really different and seems to stand out from the crowd and this is definitely one of those and so just had to make this run down.
- I think this Gluten Free, Oil Free Masala Chai Carrot Muffins from A Dash of Compassion are such a lovely little treat and the perfect way to have something sweet but not feel bad about it. If have a few friends that are gluten intolerant and so I am going to give these a go and see what they think.
- I cannot even think about telling you about the month without mentioning the smooth bowl challenge that I took part in. I enjoyed it so much and have some amazing ideas and excellent recipes to fall back on now. Each day I took a picture of my smoothie bowl and posted it to Instagram and I will soon be publishing a post that will have all of the pictures with details of the bowls and how I have been feeling.
- I am currently in the process of moving house and I have to say it is turning into one of the most stressful experiences I have been through. Selling my house is one battle and then deciding where I will be moving too is even harder because at the moment I like everything I go and see. I know it will all come out in the wash but it is affecting my sleep at the moment so more yoga definitely needed!
- I have put together some really inspiring posts that I have read of the last month all of which are helpful when in times of difficulty:
- How to Rescue Yourself From Obsessive Worrying - Mind Body Green
- 5 Steps to Transformation - Tiny Buddha
- Stop Living on Autopilot: 5 Ways to Live an Amazing Life - Tiny Buddha
- The Secret to Replacing Agitation with Calmness - Tiny Buddha
- 10 Things Happy People do to Stay Happy - Tiny Buddha
- So now you have read all of those posts you should be feeling amazingly upbeat and ready for the world as I now do which is of great comfort when I have given up all of my regular yoga classes due to a massive change I am about to make to my life. Some of you will know what it is and others will just have to wait but I can promise you it is exciting and I will share it here as soon as I can.
- As this is a blog largely about food I really loved this post on Mindful Eating Ideas from Mindful which is something I could definitely do with more of.
- I also thought I would put a little section together of how veganism and buddhism is appearing in the mainstream:
- I loved this post on Veganz the all vegan grocery store in Germany on Sunwarrior which really makes me want to take a trip to Germany, right now!
- One of the most fascinating things I have read this month is that British Airways is promoting meditation on its transatlantic flights. I certainly never expected BA to be a leader!
- MacDonald's Takes a Nosedive - could the answer really be to start selling vegan options, the world really is getting tipped upside down!
- I loved reading about Xavier Rudd's plant based life, he has to be one of my favorite artists right now and his songs are great for my yoga classes so just sharing a bit of the love.
- I am pretty much finished for this month but just want to finish up by sharing this article about a Study that shows Just Being Exposed to Buddhist Ideas May Make You Feel More Compassionate. Now isn't it a lovely thought that you just need to read something kind and compassionate from the buddhist world and it could change the way you act and think. So I am sending you all thoughts of love and compassion for the next month and hope you pass them on to someone else.