This logo designed by Jonathan Mak had rapidly become a twitter favourite. Photo credit: Jonathan Mak
News of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs death electrified Twitter and sent Twitter hashtags including #thankyoustev, #isad and #stevejobs trending across the globe. Here are the best of the Twitter reactions so far, as selected by The Periscope Post newsroom.
“Three apples changed the course of the world: Adam and Eve’s forbidden apple, Newton´s apple and finally, Steve Jobs’s Apple.”
Elite tweeter Darren Rovell said “A Blackberry one day will go back to being just a piece of fruit. The apple won’t have the same fate because of Steve Jobs”
Leading Twitter personality Stephen Fry weighed in with: “He changed the world. I knew him a little and admired him entirely.”
Lord Voldemort graciously said, “RIP Steve Jobs. He’s amongst the iclouds now.”
Lord Alan Sugar: “Gutted Steve Jobs died. We started our computer biz at same time and were competitors through the 80s. Great visionary.”
Jonathan Moss challenged, “Steve Jobs was born out of wedlock, put up for adoption at birth, dropped out of college, then changed the world. What’s your excuse?”