Entertainment Magazine

Apollonio: We Had A Time

Posted on the 18 November 2022 by Hctf @hctf
Apollonio: We Had A Time

Canadian musician Marc Apollonio is still trying to cope with the end of his marriage. On his debut single Moonta Bay he told the story of a trip just before the shit hit the fan and now he soul-searching with the sad We Had A Time, a skewed electropop song that is rough around the edges: "How we played, how we laughed, how we loved // And all of our dysfunction // How we planned, how we dreamt, how we sought // How we lost the plot". At least he is not blaming himself exclusively anymore. Apparently the cracks were already, but he and his wife made it work for so long as it lasted.

We Had A Time is a self-released single. Buy it from his website.

» Apollonio on Instagram

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