Theatre & Opera Magazine

Anya17 Goes to the Heart of Human Trafficking in the USA

Posted on the 17 February 2016 by Anya17 @anyaseventeen

Angels Vocal Art Logo JPG

I am thrilled to announce that the award-winning opera Anya17 has just been confirmed for performances in Los Angeles in July this year.

Anya17 was created by composer and Royal Northern College of Music Professor Adam Gorb with librettist Ben Kaye to highlight the personal tragedies behind Human Trafficking, a criminal “industry” worth an estimated annual revenue of over £20,000,000,000, second in scope only to the Drugs and Arms trades.

Angels Vocal Art, featuring Artistic Director Kristof Van Grysperre conducting and internationally-acclaimed director Tanya Kane-Parry will be bringing to life a fully-staged production of Anya17 with orchestra.

Los Angeles is THE top point of entry into the USA for victims of slavery and trafficking and is number #1 on the list of the FBI’s highest child sex trafficking cities in the USA.

As Anya17 continues “her” journey around the globe to raise awareness of Human Trafficking, can I please take this opportunity to recognize two unsung heroes who have freely dedicated their time without any recognition whatsoever: Anna Celeste Watson and Stu Jones. Thank you for your everything you do… for nothing.

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