Debate Magazine

Anti-Trump Protester Assaults Children and Elderly with Pepper Spray

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Two days ago, on Tuesday, April 26, 2016, a group of Donald Trump supporters, “We The People Rising,” held a rally in front of City Hall in Anaheim, California, to protest the City Council passing a resolution that Trump is not welcome in Anaheim, on the grounds that Trump and his supporters are “hateful” and employ violent and “negative rhetoric”.

Similar resolutions have been passed by the city councils of West Hollywood, California; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and St. Petersburg, Florida.

In the video below, the pro-Trump rally begins at the 1:02 mark.

At the 2:34 mark, anti-Trump protesters disrupt the rally, shouting “No Donald Trump!”. The Trump supporters shouted back, “Go Trump all the way!”.

Beginning at the 5:16 mark, violence erupts when an anti-Trumpster, all dressed in black, rushes into the Trump supporters and assaults them with pepper spray.

Anti-Trump protester assaults with pepper spray Anaheim 4-26-2016

Several people were pepper-sprayed, including the elderly and children:

Trump supporters pepper sprayed

Here is a better image of the assaulter, from earlier in the video:

anti-Trump protester Anaheim 4-26-2016

Beginning at the 6:08 mark, an anti-Trumpster, again dressed in black, begins screaming hysterically at the Trump supporters, “Go home! You’re full of hate! You’re full of hate!,” oblivious to the irony that it is she herself who is full of hate.

Anti-Trump protester in Anaheim, April 26, 2016

Note the racial composition of the pro-Trump vs. the anti-Trump protesters.

Expect and prepare yourself for more of this violence, on larger scales, when Trump becomes the GOP nominee.


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