Entertainment Magazine

Another Major Announcement from the Wild Heart!

Posted on the 17 September 2011 by Thewildheart @wildheartrocks

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

Today has made the Wild Heart into one busy beaver so much that I have been working all morning!

First off, we have a new “like” button on the side so you now have no excuse except to like The Wild Heart on Facebook. Secondly, as I have learned at work, a company is nothing without a logo. Well I guess the Wild Heart is a somebody now that I HAVE A LOGO! Though it’s still a work ion progress (I need to work on the font though) I will still however be tweaking the font a little because it needs a title. All I know is that the font cannot look anything like the font used on the Stevie Nicks album cover of the same title due to copyright infringement.

Oh and we have a username on Facebook

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