Computing Magazine

Another Fracture in Google's Glasses!

Posted on the 09 April 2013 by Hadi20 @hadi_frht
Sorry, but when you have your Google Glasses on, you will not be able to, to enter to a local cinema or to your favorite strip club.
Google glasses banned in strip clubs and cinemas
Already tested by some lucky picked users, the Google Glasses are not  welcome in cinemas or in striptease clubs. A spokesman for the Sapphire Gentlemen's Club in Las Vegas has made ​​it clear that due to the confidential nature of the activities taking place in his club and such clubs in general, and the hunt for  photos and videos leaked by smartphones for many years, Google Glasses will be banned.
And in case customers refuse to take off their glasses, "They will be escorted to their hotel in a limousine," he adds.
And concerning the ban from cinemas, I don't think that it needs much explanation. It is only rational, no?
But Google Glasses could lead to other security issues, privacy related issues. Not to mention the abusive use that may be made by sexual predators. Moreover, in this regard, Drew Donofrio, a private detective working since 12 years for the Bergen County, confessed to worry about this problem on NBC News.

Source: NBC news.

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