Love & Sex Magazine

Another Chick in the Hall

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

sleazebag-angela-aspen-beforeIt’s been a while since we’ve had a new inductee in our Hall of Shame, so before moving on to the latest dishonoree, let’s recap the current inmates:

1) Karen Sypher, who as I explained in “How To Be a Stupid, Greedy Whore” won the dishonor for her “astonishing stupidity, appalling immorality and truly mythic greed”.

2) Capri Anderson, was awarded her position less than four months later for her “incredible greed, her denial of her own whoredom…her pretense that she is better than the rest of us despite her absolute and total lack of the most meager shred of…professional ethics…and her stunning stupidity in announcing a lawsuit on national television before she actually filed it.”

3) Kristin Davis first attracted my attention by embracing trafficking rhetoric in order to enrich herself, and by repeating prohibitionist claims that 80% of us are coerced when she knows damned well that’s exaggerated by a factor of forty; she clinched it by talking about a famous client not to protect girls or protest prohibitionism, but rather to see her own name in the news again.

4) I don’t think I need to explain why Dennis Hof is here, considering that he never misses an opportunity to spread “sex trafficking” lies and “dirty whore” myths, and to cheer police stings and oppose decriminalization, in an effort to spread the exploitative Nevada model and thereby line his own pockets.

5) Jenna Shea became the first escort in the Hall for outing clients, buying into whorearchy and demonstrating a truly epic level of tackiness.

6) Alexis Wright for vomiting out a bullshit story about how she was manipulated, garnished with bootlicking garbage about how she was “relieved” at being arrested; for calling her clients “deviants”, and for letting her lawyer mouth “false consciousness” filth as part of a ploy for leniency at trial.

7) Lisa Ann for pretending porn actresses aren’t sex workers, reinforcing whorearchy, endangering her sisters and basically being an obnoxious, clownish sleazebag.

8) Kim Petro is a dominatrix who outed a famous client who isn’t a politician or prohibitionist, just to make money selling her story to the National Enquirer.

9) Helen Wood is an escort who also outed a non-prohibitionist client just to make money.

And now, presenting #10:  Jessica Neely, a prohibitionist who used to work in porn under the name “Angela Aspen” but has now dedicated her life to denying the agency of all of her former sisters and working to destroy our livelihoods:

…Jessica Neely is a survivor of the porn industry…the now 35-year old woman…grew up a pastor’s daughter [in Colorado until she]…was raped by a stranger…she [claims that turned her into]…a sex addict…Sex graduated to professional porn.  Porn then fueled prostitution…Neely [lied that] many people in that industry are victims of some kind of abuse [despite evidence that the opposite is true].  She also [fantasizes] porn is a breeding ground for the human trafficking world…the Pastor’s daughter would eventually become a madam…“based on what I learned in pornography.”  According to Neely, social media sites are ripe with women of all ages that she would turn into escorts…Neely says she would zone in on the girls posting provocative pictures on social media sites.  She said she knew by the way they portrayed themselves online that they needed attention for a reason…She would take the women…to expensive dinners…[and] set the girls up with various plastic surgery appointments within weeks of bringing them onboard…Neely made $10,000 a day between porn and human trafficking…

sleazebag-angela-aspen-afterI don’t know which lies are worse, the stupid ones or the evil ones.  Does anyone still actually believe the gateway myth, that there is some stairway of vice that starts with mild “sins” then graduates to more serious ones (cigarettes lead to marijuana leads to heroin, etc)?  Once again we see the idiotic trope that women do jobs not to make money, but because we “need attention”, and this version of the “Facebook pimps” myth is even more ludicrous than the usual one.  Sorry, mommies & daddies, but I have some bad news for you:  your precious little angel doesn’t need to be “turned into” a whore by evil pimps and madams, nor do we have to waste time “recruiting” your little darlings by “grooming” them with expensive dinners and plastic surgery (as though we could afford to invest that much in some green kid who might wash out in the first few weeks).  The truth is that women call escort services for jobs all by themselves, sometimes several a week, and service owners can decide which ones we want to hire without having to drop hundreds on fancy dinners and thousands on boob jobs.  $10,000 a day?  Don’t make me laugh.  Not even in much busier and wealthier cities than Denver.  No, this is just another tired rehash of the same old stupid prohibitionist myths, made extra-disgusting by the fact that the person vomiting them absolutely knows them to be false.  And if that doesn’t deserve a place in the Hall of Shame, I don’t know what does.

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