Book number 23 is out!
Years ago, I started collecting the very bad pitches I received from people interested in writing guest posts for my now deceased social media blog. My goal was to create case studies for fellow marketers and entrepreneurs.
Later, I decided to do the same with the gems in my spam folder.
Earlier this month, my friend David Ellis told me that he was working on a food parody of the book most of us love to hate (Yes, 50 Shades of Gray!). I suddenly remembered the hundreds of spam emails collected in a special folder. David and I talked about it and he encouraged me to select my favorite ones and write a funny response to each of them.
I liked the idea. However, since I had never worked on such a project before, self-doubt showed its teeth.
Then, David released his book, titled 50 Shapes of Cakes: A Fifty Shades of Erotic Bakery Parody. That was prodding enough for me!
(By the way, you should get a copy of David's book. He has a lovely sense of humor!)
Days later, Bad. Pitches. Period. 30 Flavors of Spammy Emails was born. In the book, you'll find a series of hilarious spam emails, each followed by a humorous, albeit fictional response.
About the cover
This cover is different from my other ones. I went for a cheesy look. Why? Because spam is usually cheesy and written in terrible English. It also rarely makes sense. That is what makes it hilarious.
In my mind, spam and bad font are a match made in heaven. 😉
Bad. Pitches. Period. 30 Flavors of Spammy Emails is available for purchase at all major online bookstores, including Amazon, Smashwords and Barnes & Noble. For more information, visit