Media Magazine

Anniversary Wishes

Posted on the 05 April 2013 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

Martinis and Minivans is a blog for anyone who has ever needed a martini after driving a minivan around all day. Or for anyone who has just ever needed a martini.  And although that is a lot of folks in this world, when the blog started just one year ago, I wasn’t sure how to find those people who would want to read it. Paperblog gave me that opportunity.  Not only by marketing my own blog, but by networking with other bloggers, I had a chance to meet a world full of people writing about parenting, travel, sports, technology, food, lifestyle, animals and every topic that could possible interest you. Readers find me through Paperblog, and I find the sites and articles I want to read through it as well. Thank you Paperblog for helping Martinis and Minivans grow!
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Writer: Danielle Herzog

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