TV & Video Magazine

Anna Paquin Dishes on Eric and Postpartum Depression

Posted on the 28 June 2013 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover


Anna Paquin dishes out some True Blood news while promoting her youttube series ‘Susanna’ which is about a young mother dealing with postpartum depression.

In an interview with CBSNEWS the actress talks about Alan Ball, Bilith, Ben and Eric.

As for Sookie’s other former vampire lover, Paquin said not to write off her relationship with Eric Northman (Alexander Skarsgard) just yet. Even though she’s rescinded his invitation from her house, the actress said that there will always be something between the two characters because they “genuinely have affections for each other.” Whether that means love in the future or a solid friendship remains to be seen, especially with half-fairy Ben arriving in Louisiana.

“I don’t think it’s giving anything if I say if it involves Sookie. It’s always complicated,” she said, laughing. “That it’s not necessarily going to pan out in a way that’s easy, simple or un-traumatizing.

In Susanna Paquin plays a single mother on the edge after giving birth and is suffering majorly from postpartum depression. I have seen a few of the episodes and it is a well written and well acted series touching on this very serious problem.

“(Kate) is a single, first-time mother,” Anna Paquin explained about her character to “The dad is kind of nowhere in the picture. She is not really holding it together very well. She’s incredibly depressed and anxious that something terrible is going to happen to her child. She is falling apart, and she doesn’t have so much support.”

Anna Paquin Dishes on Eric and Postpartum Depression

It’s admitting that you can’t do everything and that you’re not superwoman,” Paquin said. “I think it is very hard because a lot of people sort of expect when someone has a baby, they’re going to automatically do everything and know everything.”

You can read the rest of this article about this series HERE.

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