Prominent Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary, known for his controversial views, finds himself entangled in a web of terror-related accusations, as reported by the Metropolitan Police. Aged 56 and residing in east London, Choudary was apprehended in conjunction with 28-year-old Khaled Hussein, a Canadian national, shortly after the latter’s arrival at Heathrow Airport.
The charges leveled against Choudary are grave, encompassing membership in a proscribed organization, active involvement in orchestrating meetings to garner support for a proscribed group, and alleged direction of a terrorist organization. Accompanying him in this legal ordeal, Hussein faces a charge of being a member of a proscribed organization.
The duo is scheduled to make an appearance at Westminster Magistrates’ Court later today, where their fate will be determined. Metropolitan counter-terrorism detectives carried out the arrests last Monday during an ongoing investigation into the suspected affiliation with a banned group. Following their detention under terrorism laws, the individuals have been formally charged and remanded in custody in preparation for their court hearing.