I am a huge animal lover, I have two cats called Nala and Simba who we rescued from the cat protection in Dumfries a few years ago and they literally are everything to me. My whole family are animal lovers and none of us can walk past a dog in town without speaking to it.
This morning, my Mum told me a wee wild baby rabbit was obviously very ill in our garden. It was sitting very still, with it's eyes open, ears back and breathing rapidly. I went outside to see it and it was terrified.
I called the SSPCA who were absolutely incredible. They were at my house within 30 minutes and had taken the wee baby rabbit away. The lovely lady told me it's likely the rabbit is in shock of something - like being chased by a fox or hit by a car or similar and it's unlikely to survive - queue more tears - but she covered it in a blanket and took it away. Seeing the baby struggle was heartbreaking to me and knowing it was frightened makes me want to cry even more but it's being given the best opportunity with the SSPCA.
I am heartbroken, if I could have I would have cuddled it and nursed it but I know doing that wouldn't have saved it.
I am literally sobbing right now! but the point of this blog post is to remind you that ALL animals deserve a life and by calling your local rescue center (SSPCA or RSPCA in England & Wales) you can potentially save a life. Whether it's a puppy or a wild bird that has hurt it's wing, it's worth phoning them.
If you can afford to, please donate to them - I know money is hard come by but instead of buying a Starbucks or a Barry M nail polish, put your money in one of those tins you see in town or donate online - if it wasn't for services like these then our animals would be in danger - the lady arrived in 30 minutes but imagine if there were more carers? more money for them? they could be there quicker and provide on scene care!
If you love animals like me, then there are things you can do to help if you see an injured animal.
If it is a dog or cat, wrap it in a blanket and give it water (if possible, bring it inside to keep it safe).
If it is a small animal like a rabbit or bird, place a washing basket over the top of it. They feel safer in the dark and so this will prevent them going into shock and make them more comfortable. It also stops them from running away or from predators such as Foxes and stoats.
If an animal is bleeding, apply pressure to the area if you're able to.
Phone 03000 999 999 for the SSPCA.
I don't know what will happen to the baby rabbit but it has the best chance of surviving in the care of the SSPCA.
Heartbroken Holly xxxxxxx