Angkor Wat. A symbol of Cambodia, the world’s largest religious building and a pinnacle in the temple complex of Angkor. Close to 1 million people used to live in Ankor at a time when London was home to just 35,000 people. It is the finest expression of art and architecture I have seen. If one had a working time machine, the construction and the daily life of Angkor back in it’s heyday would be one of my must-see things.
My guide Nathan Horton and I of course captured the traditional sunrise silhouette but I shall present you with a view from the Northwest side, featuring one of our good monk friends, Thun. Angkor Wat is enormous, the outer wall is 1 kilometer long, and not an easy structure to fit in a photo, much less with the many tourists crowding many a photo opportunity. We got in very early and moved fast to stay ahead of the crowds and had our beautiful monk friends as models adding human interest and story in every frame. Here we have Thun wandering the walls of the Northwest corner.

This image is a single frame, the composition is aimed at a big print and not a screen, and I am still working on finding the best processing and crop. Still, I wished to share with you a work-in-progress version, offering you a glimpse of the stunning Angkor Wat. I spend three days here and that was just an intro, I could return and capture images for 3 months at this beautiful place. Nathan Horton is printing some of our images and bringing them back to the monks and I am excited to hear the outcome. I also found our good monks friends so interesting and exciting I started to ponder how I would look in an orange robe with a shaved head. Different to say the least. Perhaps this is one idea that should very much just stay an idea.