Debate Magazine

Angel at Promise Keepers

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Promise Keepers (PK) is an Evangelical Christian men’s group that holds hundreds of conferences across America calling on men to return to God and be faithful husbands, fathers, brothers and sons.

Bob Unruh reports for WND that at the group’s conference on July 20, 2013 in Cedar Falls, Iowa, as the band One Body led the men in singing “Jesus, take all of me,” a man in the audience — a self-described “conservative, non-prophetic” Southern Baptist pastor — lifted his iPad over his head and took a picture of the band.

The photo, first published on PK’s Facebook page, showed what appears to be an Angel on the stage — a radiant figure of light standing between a guitar player and a singer:

angel Promise Keepers

When the pastor looked down at his iPad screen and saw the figure, chills went down his spine. He showed the picture to the man standing next to him, and took another picture of the stage.

It showed the same angelic figure. Neither is photoshopped.

angel Promise Keepers2

When the pastor looked at the second picture, he was overwhelmed with emotion and immediately went to stage right to show the pictures to Promise Keepers’ program director.

The pastor’s wife released this statement: “My husband took these photos. No photo shop. Enjoy debating angels and stage lights but don’t miss the miracle of a few thousand men gathering to praise God and to be challenged to be men of honor who keep their promises! At least 17 of them were our guys. That’s a miracle. They were in our church Sunday gathering at the front praying with their families and friends. Miracles happen.”

Millions of men have come before the ministry of Promise Keepers since its founding by then-University of Colorado football coach Bill McCartney in 1990, whose team took a national championship title. An estimated 1.4 million attended PK’s “Stand in the Gap” event on the National Mall in Washington on Oct. 4, 1997.

A central message of Promise Keepers is that men are important and must be warriors for their faith, family, marriages, churches, communities and nation. That message is more important and urgent than ever, given the Left’s determination to wussify American boys and men.

According to PK:

“When a child is the first to attend church, 3½% of the families follow. When a wife/mom is the first to attend church, 17% of the families follow. When a dad/husband is the first to attend church, 93% of the families follow. ”

I cropped and enlarged the image of the angel:

angel Promise Keepers2


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