Andrei Tarkovsky was born to poet Arseny Tarkovsky (1907-1989). Arseny Tarkovsky is considered one of the great 20th century Russian poets and was a prominent translator. These are some of our favorite portraits. More will be posted here. Scroll down for a fragment of his famous poem called “Life, Life”.
I am not the author of these images. Thank you Tarun Neo for contributing the third photo and for your constant inspiration.
For a photo for a young Tarkovsky with his cat, click here

Arseny and Andrei Tarkovsky (1930s)-© Photo Courtesy of the Sergei Eisenstein Cinematography Library.

“I don’t believe in omens or fear
Forebodings. I flee from neither slander
Nor from poison. Death does not exist.
Everyone’s immortal. Everything is too.
No point in fearing death at seventeen,
Or seventy. There’s only here and now, and light;
Neither death, nor darkness, exists.
We’re all already on the seashore;
I’m one of those who’ll be hauling in the nets
When a shoal of immortality swims by.”