Gardening Magazine


By Dyarnell @dyarnell
In my first post about the Monet Garden I detailed the plants I initially added this past spring.Then I wrote about the additions I planted this past fall.Now I am writing about the plants yet to join in and enhance the purple-and-blue theme that defines the Monet Garden.
By-and-large last spring I planted the lasagna gardens I built and left the pre-existing beds alone.  Therefore  next year's additions are primarily in areas that existed before we moved in. I spent time observing and now I am ready to plant.

I learned that this garden does not get as much sun as I had hoped but I still think that these plants will work given the back left corner is the sunniest part.

ANATOMY OF MONET GARDEN - 3 of 3The green rectangle will be filled with Delphinium, 5 blue in as many shades as possible and 2 purple, also different shades.
The pink triangle was originally Blazing Star and its replacement is still up for debate|:  More Dutch Iris (I'll know this spring if they work).Monkshood is high on my list but also highly poisonous and I have a new puppy dog; better safe than sorry. Salvia would be quite nice: long blooming, mid-sized and purple. I just need to find a variety for the shadier side.
In the green oval Ostrich ferns will encircle the bottom of the Lilac run behind it providing a backdrop for Astilbe and a tall compliment to the Heliopolis that will border it in the Sun Garden.
The orange blob will be fluffy purple Astilbe. I have never grown them successfully but I have not yet tried since reading up on their care - and that of course should make all of the difference. 
The yellow splotches will be Primula, hopefully I will come across some drumstick varieties in a mix of purples.
Some suggestions from Facebook I am going to incorporate but am not exactly sure yet include Forget-Me-Nots (which I tried unsuccessfully from seed last year but am not giving up on), Phlox stolonifera (Creeping phlox) and Giant Lobelia.
When you put it all together this is what it looks like. At least for now.
Suggestions for other purple and blue plants for zone 3, part shade are welcome.
***Sharing with Fertilizer Friday, Today's Flowers, Floral Friday Fotos

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