When I was fetching some old, ex rain shelters stored at the back of our smaller greenhouse right at the bottom of the garden I caught glimpse of a clump of bamboo at an angle that I very rarely see it from.
Looking beautiful and blue - Borinda papyrifera
It was looking great and I had to quickly grab the camera shortly after so I could take snaps of it from the same spot while the lighting was good too. Seeing this specimen made me remember why I had an infatuation with bamboos before. I got so into them that at one point a few years ago I had over a hundred different species and forms of them.Blue new culms...
Alas the infatuation was not meant to progress beyond that. Lacking the space to sustain them all as well as a decrease on the luster of my affection towards them I let go of many of them.Graceful cascading leaves
Perhaps in the future if we have more space to garden then I can rekindle this infatuation, and this time let it blossom to a full blown romance. Many of the rarer ones that I let go now reside in a friend's garden and I'm sure I can get a division again when,or rather if that time comes. Meanwhile I shall continue to cherish the plants that are left in our garden, remnants of an infatuation. What about you, have you ever been infatuated by a group of plants before to find yourself drifting away from it later on? Mark :-)