Politics Magazine

“America Is Gone” . . . ?

Posted on the 05 November 2016 by Adask

The Reverend James David Manning makes some very insightful and passionate observations about America, Trump, Blacks, Whites and spiritual warfare.  He can deliver a sermon that makes everyone, Blacks and Whites squirm with guilt.  Manning takes no prisoners.

I admire Dr.Manning’s passion.  He reminds me of my own passion which I’d almost forgotten and left to grow weak and apathetic.  And, as much as I hate to sound like Bill Clinton, I truly feel Pastor Manning’s pain as I, too, see this nation moving ever closer to destruction.

Reverend Manning is right.  Our political problems are actually spiritual problems.  Trump won’t make America Great Again.  Trump can’t make America Great Again–unless Americans first choose to make America spiritual again.  American will not be restored until Americans choose to regain and strengthen their Christian faith.

American is gone.  It won’t return unless and until we first turn back to our Father YHWH ha elohiym.

video    00:29:00

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