The Mexican Heather (Cuphea hyssopifolia) was the first to get a cut back. The shrub grew a little crazy this time round. Though it bloomed a little more than usual, I have to prune it as the stems have gotten leggy. Anyway, after pruning, I grabbed a bunch of the stem cuttings and placed them all in water, making my kitchen pretty for a few days :-)
One of the shrubs that I replanted is the coleus. Took some cuttings and replanted them... and they should be able to root quickly and easily.
I also pruned the Chinese Hat Plant (Holmskioldia sanguinea) as most of the branches were kind of dry and leafless.
My Crossandra infundibuliformis 'Shamrock' was a delight as the shrub was blossoming non-stop for a several weeks now. Also due to the cloudy sky, the flowers stayed on the bracts longer.
Watch how the wheat berries turned into a little baby plant...
Day 1:
Day 2:Day 3:
Day 5:
Day 8:
Day 9:
Baby wheat plants are known to be highly nutritious and are used to make juices. They are packed with vitamins, amino acids, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants and offer numerous health benefits.Cheers :-D