kareenas pic courtesy http://bollywoodcelebden.com/
In the times of size sero and six pack abs the pressure to remain fit and mantain a good physique for both men and women is quite high,i am a fairly sized woman a uk size 8figure yet i go to gym 5days a week and slog away,its more of a habbit for me now more than anything the fact that it allows me to eat everything and remain a size 8 apart from the great health benefits that comes with exercise..I get amazed watching girls who are probably a size zero running on the treadmill for an hour and above and then making their way to the weights section followed by a rigourous abdominal workout and when you talk to them you realize that these girls weighing not more than 45-53kilos are actually trying to loose weight. Often in the locker room i have heard them asking each other after dressing up am i looking fat?it makes me wonder whats wrong with this world and the youngsters today.My neighbor who i know since she was in class 11th in a delhi school a sweet bubbly teenager weighing around 90kgs would often tell me after coming back from school that while walking home some guy on a bike shouted out to her moti (fat)i wonder is being fat a crime?i understand that it leads to health problems but does that give any stranger a right to call a person fat?I know of people who jokingly call their friend a chubby girl with a beautiful face moti(fat)or how much will you eat look at your size all in good fun but do these people passing such remarks even in good fun realize what they may be doing to someones self esteem or confidence for that matter?My niece who delivered a baby 5days back is already asking the doctor when can i hit the gym again and is constantly fussing over her weight gain, is this size zero which seems to have become a social disease stopping her from enjoying her first few months with the newly born?My daughter weighed around 80kgs during her school days i was of course concerned but i never pushed her after hours at the gym she lost some 22kilos and still shes constantly trying to diet along with her workout routine and questions me everyday mom am i fat?Am i over reacting or is this really a big problem?