This post is an anonymous guest post*
I am a mother of 2, a 30month old boy and a 12week old girl.
I have a qualification in childcare and development – that would mean I know everything and would find motherhood easy right?
I am really struggling with my boy.
When hes good, hes really good, his speech is excellent and hes always shown good understanding from such a young age, but hes behavior can be really bad.
He screams and demands what he wants, he doesn’t do as hes asked, he does things on purpose that he knows hes not allowed to do.
He hits, kicks and bites. He seams to get very frustrated very quickly. I originally thought, OK hes a typical 2year old, but after seeing how well behaved other 2 year olds are compared to my son.
Hes been refered to the SENCO (special educational needs co ordinator) at nursery, and is due an observation with the area SENCO next week. This has made me feel really bad.
I know all the text book ‘super nanny’ techniques to help with behaviour, but nothing works.
Could there be ‘special needs’ reasons for such bad behavior in a child so young, or is it just poor parenting?
Do anyone elses 2 year old act similar, does it get better, or are there reasons for this?