Fashion Magazine
It was a quiet weekend for me here this weekend.My kids were both out of townand
my husband has been working the USGA Senior Amateur Tournament at his golf course.
Saturday I was lucky enough
to do another of
the French Basketeers
cooking classes!
This month Andrea showed us how to make
homemade pasta from scratch.
Which resulted in this beautiful meal!
Andrea lives in Laguna Beach
so when driving home
the beach began it's siren song for me ...
I was ready for an impromptu beach walk ...
on one of my favorite beaches …
because I always travel with everything I need for walks on the beachand so much more.
Now that my car serves mainly just me …I keep it stocked with my own needs.
Baskets in the backthat came from my big Suburbanthat my children grew up inand
eventually all learned to drive in …are now replaced with things I keep at the readyfor my spontaneous fun and necessities!
I shopped all over to find a perfectbeach walk backpack.
I wanted a canvas with leather hardwarein a neutral colorthat could carry my beach necessities downand
strong enough to bring backall the found treasures from my beach walks.
I keep a pair of necessary flip-flops packed inside.
With a packable canvas hat and sunblock means I am always prepared for the sun.
I had a beautiful Pendleton blanket alreadythat was always looking for a perfect purpose.
My hiking stick always travels with meso hiking needs are at the ready as well.
I have recently added a new
French Basketeer
addition ...
which I keep filled with my reusable bagsI brought back from Italy.
Alos inside my favorite new discovery from the
French Basketeercotton produce bags!
I had been looking for a solvefor bringing home farmer's market producethat didn't involve plastic bagsand
I found it with these great bags that come in two sizesand
they can be tossed in the washer when need be!
I also have my original feed bagstucked in basketsif I need a more substantial carrieras these unzip and become the most fabulous totes!
I keep miscellaneous needslike wipes, waters and even a facial wash for apres surfing or heavy duty hikesall packed tidily in the lidded baskets
I so enjoy driving my car
when it's packed with everything I might need
in my day.
Whether I need to be set for grocery shopping at the market
have the blissful opportunity
for a walk on the beach
I'm ready!
Having a car packedfor what ever might come alongis something I learnedwhile raising my children …
Now my car is packed for new and different adventuresfor my'next chapter'.
As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life