Religion Magazine
Along the journey of life we meet many people. I've heard some say that most are NPC's or non player characters, a term derived from gaming, meaning they are there for decoration not meaningful interaction.
But that's only true if you want it to be. And only you can decide which people are allowed into your inner circle. But they can choose whether or not you become an NPR in their story as well.
When Jesus bore the weight of His cross after being beaten, Simon of Cyrene, a man who was an NPR suddenly took on a large role in Christ's final hours by bearing the burden of His cross.
So at any moment a non player character can play a vital role in our lives and even become central to our story.
In all my life I've never met anyone who wasn't important.
Jesus is a NPC in the lives of many. These people don't turn to Him or His example for guidance or His teachings for implementation.
It's not just that Jesus is important because He really lived, because His teachings are true and we should follow them with blind obiedience we should understand why those teachings better our lives and the lives of others.
Jesus waits for us to find Him and no matter how many times you wander off, no matter how many times you stray from the path He waits patiently for you to return to Him.
Jesus tells us that the kingdom of God is within us. It is waiting for us anytime we choose to seek it. Seek and ye shall find.
But that's only true if you want it to be. And only you can decide which people are allowed into your inner circle. But they can choose whether or not you become an NPR in their story as well.
When Jesus bore the weight of His cross after being beaten, Simon of Cyrene, a man who was an NPR suddenly took on a large role in Christ's final hours by bearing the burden of His cross.
So at any moment a non player character can play a vital role in our lives and even become central to our story.
In all my life I've never met anyone who wasn't important.
Jesus is a NPC in the lives of many. These people don't turn to Him or His example for guidance or His teachings for implementation.
It's not just that Jesus is important because He really lived, because His teachings are true and we should follow them with blind obiedience we should understand why those teachings better our lives and the lives of others.
Jesus waits for us to find Him and no matter how many times you wander off, no matter how many times you stray from the path He waits patiently for you to return to Him.
Jesus tells us that the kingdom of God is within us. It is waiting for us anytime we choose to seek it. Seek and ye shall find.