Hello all you wonderful people! I hope you’re all having a fantastic day! Are you looking for the perfect new product to add to all of your projects and creations? Have you ever tried aloe vera before? Aloe vera, or otherwise known as True Aloe or even the First Aid Plant, is most commonly known for its amazing skin healing properties. This plant is wonderful for skin care, but did you know it can also be used for hair care purposes? It also has many amazing medicinal benefits and is great for soaping!
The aloe vera uses are endless. Aloe vera plants can be used in many different industries and products. Common bath and body products it can be used in are foot treatments, bath teas, bath bombs, lotions, creams, ointments, massage oils, face tonics, shampoos and conditioners, body wash, and bath salts. For skin care, aloe vera helps to treat eczema, psoriasis, acne, irritated or inflamed skin, burns, and any blemishes. It also is great for moisturizing and softening the skin as well as treating any facial edema, helping wounds heal faster, curing blisters and insect bites, and it reduces stretch marks and any wrinkles and fine lines. For hair care, aloe vera is great for treating itchy and dry scalp, controlling frizz, preventing hair loss and dandruff, and it even works to strengthen and soften the hair. For all the soap makers out there, aloe vera is a wonderful addition to your soaps as it bring its many skin care benefits!
There are many medicinal benefits to using aloe vera as well. It can be used as possible treatment for breast cancer as it works to slow the spread of new cells. It can also be used to treat a variety of different conditions such as heart burn, athlete’s foot, herpes, hepatitis, warts, shingles, fungus, gingivitis, the flu, bronchitis, and even frost bite. Aloe vera is a great treatment for diabetes as it works to control cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and decreases insulin resistance. It also lowers blood sugar levels, keeps the blood rich in oxygen, and works to improve the natural quality of the blood. Aloe vera contains many important nutrients and vitamins, such as zinc, copper, potassium, calcium, and vitamins, A, C, and E.
Did you know that aloe vera use can be traced back over 6,000 years? No I’m not kidding, this great product has been shown in ancient Egyptian carvings. They actually referred to aloe vera as the “plant of immortality,” and gave it to deceased pharaohs as gifts. Now why would you wait to use this amazing plant? Make sure to check out all of our amazing free recipes and classes, our Pampered Foot Scrub and our Calendula Sunshine Soap are actually both made with our Aloe Vera Leaf Powder! Just type “aloe powder” into the search bar on our website and it will take you right to our Aloe Vera Powder page. On top of the picture, you’ll see a little green link labeled “Recipe.” This will show you the names and pictures of our Pampered Foot Scrub and Calendula Sunshine Soap and are direct links right to the recipes! Enjoy these amazing products and keep watching for more Enlightened by Layla!