"I don’t have perfectly square edges. And I can’t fit inside anyone else’s box. My passions are too wild to be tamed. My dreams are too big for any cage."
Wearing: Dress as Skirt: Ice Fashion, Bag: Vintage, Sandals: Gabor, Aviator: H&M.
How do others affect your ambitions and aspirations?
We live in a world where people are easily prone to put each other down, to tell others what they can or can't do.
As a human being and social being, we are all born with a burning passion in us. The moment we allow the inputs of others, whether people who know us or those who live with an illusion of what we are suppose to do with our lives and what ambitions we are allowed to have.
We start putting ourselves in the cage of their expectation and doubt our own intuition, dreams and aspirations.
My beautiful grandma always tell us that people are poor because ignorance not because of lack of money.
she will say never give a poor man money but give him education, knowledge and understand of how to get they money for himself, because that is when you are really helping, by giving him money, you confirm to him that all he can be in life is a beggar. He will believe it because he doesn't know any better and he will never strive for anything in his live.
What a waste!
Being raised in a family of over achievers and being sent to boarding school at a very early age, teaches me that everything I want in my heart I MUST strive for, that I deserve greatness if only I am ready to do all that it takes and that my passions should be fueled and encouraged.
I am still young and learning from everyone that passes through my life and getting the privilege to be a part of diverse group of individuals from all over the globe, whose soul purpose is to live a life of passion, so as to inspire others to do the same no matter how that passion is express is inspiring to me, and I am happy to share with all of you my story and my journey as grow, connect, inspire and get inspired.
What is the #besomebody platform and how can you join this love filled and passion fueled family?
All answers are right her:
#Besomebody is the World’s Platform for Passion, with passion-centric content reaching over 4 million people in more than 180 countries every month. Thanks to people all over the world, we’ve grown from a motivational mantra into a first-of-its-kind global platform that enables people all over the world to explore, discover and unleash their passions. In 2014, we’re introducing a new program called Inspired by #besomebody ™ (IBB) - a global network of diverse people – athletes, artists, activists, adventurers, etc – who’ve committed to go ALL IN on their passions. They’re living their lives with passion at the center and inspiring others along the way.
The IBB Network is growing everyday, and if selected, you get discounted merchandise, content, connections and experiences with people who share your passion. Together, we’re creating the World’s Platform for Passion.
want to join us and go ALL IN? click here.
Why live a mediocre life, when you can do so much better?