Lifestyle Magazine

All Natural Cleaner

By Ngscents @ngscents

shutterstock_123478006 (2)Any habitual coffee drinker knows that your coffee maker shows signs of use after a little while, especially if you have hard water.  Anyone who has worked in the food industry as a server knows a little trick you can use to clean your coffee pot using, cold water, salt, and lemon slices.  However, having lemon slices (or lemon juice) at your disposal is not always the case.  But, when you are a homemade crafter, you will have citric acid on hand!

This recipe is a natural cleaner to remove those pesky hard water and coffee stains with two simple ingredients.  This method can be used once a month, on a regular basis.

Here are the items you will need:
Citric Acid

How to clean you coffee pot:

1.  Rinse out your coffee pot, and place it back onto the machine.  Remove the filter and rinse out the funnel, replace the funnel when done (do not place a filter in the funnel).

2.  Weigh out 28 grams of citric acid.  Then in a separate container, weigh out 880 grams of hot tap water.

3.  Slowly pour the citric acid into the water.  Allow it to dissolve.

4.  Next, weigh out 880 grams of cold tap water.  Add this to the citric acid solution.  Stir gently.

5.  Now, pour all of the solution into the water tank portion of your coffee maker.  Allow the coffee maker to run until 4 cups of the solution has “brewed”.

6.  When this occurs stop the coffee maker and allow it to set undisturbed for at least 20 minutes.

7.  Next, start the coffee maker again, and allow it to fully finish “brewing”.

8.  Allow the mixture to set again for 20 minutes undisturbed.

9.  Before dumping out the cleaning solution from the coffee pot, pour a little bit into a bowl, and dump out the rest of the solution.

10.  Now, using a sponge, clean the outside and top of the coffee pot to remove any outside stains.  Then, rinse the coffee pot and place it back into the coffee machine.

11.  To rinse the machine, weigh out 1760 grams of cold tap water into the water tank and allow it to “brew”.

12.  Once “brewing” is complete, repeat step 11 at least 4-5 additional times before making coffee in the machine.

This recipe is an easy and quick way to clean your coffee pot and machine naturally without a ton of work on your behalf.  Citric acid is an amazing all natural ingredient that deodorizing and cleans.  You can purchase citric acid from a trusted supplier by clicking on this link.

You will love how great your coffee tastes after you clean your machine using this method.

If you are interested in viewing an all natural window cleaner that shines windows to perfection without streaks, please click on this link.

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