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All in a Days Work...the out Takes.

By Danikaherrick @danikaherrick
So yesterday we had a little photo shoot.  Cheryle and I both needed new head shots, and had been asked for some "at work" shots, so we complied.  We actually had to have our "end of the week wrap- up" Friday meeting early because Cheryle is leaving me for a vacation today.  I know, how dare she? So we did our little wrap up, with cocktails -keeping it real.  (BTW we start Mondays with coffee and a  "what is our goals" meeting so it balances out.) My dear friend and photog diva Nancy Stanley snapped away... All in a days work...the out takes. We laugh a lot. I like to tell dirty jokes and say vagina or soft balls to crack Cheryle up, and disgust her. Nancy helped in this department too. If I could remember jokes, I'd tell you the one she had just told us. Me:" Hee- hee, snort, snort, snort" All in a days work...the out takes. Then it was musical chairs and back to business...
All in a days work...the out takes.
and more vag-jay-jay balls and wine... "hee-hawwww"
All in a days work...the out takes.
Next we headed outside, and it only got worse. 
We discovered a new fashion line and headgear...
All in a days work...the out takes.
All in a days work...the out takes. Being serious is seriously hard. All in a days work...the out takes.

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