Just can’t get into the groove today: started two blog posts and after writing a couple of paragraphs, they both look like gibberish to me. Funny thing is, this is the very first completely free day I’ve had in a couple of weeks, and I had planned to get some serious writing done today. Focus seems to be the problem. Maybe it’s the fact the house looks like a hobo camp, or that the pile of laundry is rapidly gaining altitude, or that I have a some minor, yet pressing chores to do — in any event, the Muse has gone elsewhere today.
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One of the speakers at the Trauma Nursing Conference I went to a little while ago was from the Society of Trauma Nurses, which seems to be principally known for providing the Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses course. STN markets itself towards the ”leadership of trauma nursing around the world” and yet its stated aim is “become the premiere nursing organization in the world for advancing the nursing care of injured patients.” It might be the February crankies talking, but does anyone else see the contradiction in this? Or the condescension? I mean, how can anyone talk about being the best nursing organization in the known universe, while ignoring the front line? Isn’t leadership and excellence for all nurses? Incidentally, the speaker, Deborah Harkins, mentioned that on a membership survey 477 nurses identified themselves as “leaders” while only 36 were front-line staff. She didn’t seem to think this was a problem.
After Harkins gave her talk, I asked my table mates if any of them intended to join STN. Much hilarity ensued. My guess is that until STN changes its membership philosophy, its goal to be the gold standard for trauma nurses will prove elusive
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More about the conference. It was actually pretty well done, and worthwhile attending. Only a couple of presentations were out-and-out duds. But I have to ask: perusing the program, why were the vast majority of presenters physicians? At a nursing conference?
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I saw a disturbing bright light in the sky the other day. Oh right, it was the sun.
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I’m going to clean out my linky-loos on the blogroll later today, maybe, after I do the laundry. Anyone have any tips on good nursing/health care blogs to add?
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Still no word about the leap to the Dark Side. I’m not that anxious about whether I got the job or not. But I dislike the wait. It’s like being told, “We are going to make a life-altering decision about you or not, and we’re going to string you along until the last possible moment before we reveal our choice.” That’s what aggravating.