Politics Magazine

Alex Jones: “We’re On the Edge of the Beginning of WWIII”

Posted on the 04 September 2013 by Adask

video   00:10:39

If the following report is accurate, Obama’s attack on Syria is not about Syria, but is instead merely a pretext for an indirect (or direct) attack on Russia.

•  Here’s a second, earlier video describing reports of FEMA and DHS preparations for some sort of massive emergency expected to take place sometime after October 1st, A.D. 2013. This video is not produced by Alex Jones and includes information that’s been available for at least 4 to 6 weeks. This video strikes me as interesting in that it points to a massive emergency in FEMA Region III (DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV) in approximately the same time frame referred to in the previous Alex Jones video.

This temporal correlation is rough. The Jones video doesn’t say, but implies, that we could see a nuclear catastrophe in the month of September. This second video implies that the catastrophe (if any) is more likely to occur sometime after September and presumably in October or November. This rough correspondence in time frames may be nothing more than coincidence. Still, both videos warn that the next several months are potentially catastrophic.

In this second video, pay particular attention to the segment between 4:30 and 8:40.

Video 00:11:45

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