TV & Video Magazine

Alan Ball Quitting True Blood?

Posted on the 25 February 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Yes, you read the title right! Well, it’s not that he’s quitting True Blood altogether…read on below!

Alan Ball Quitting True Blood?

Alex, Anna, Stephen and Alan at the 2010 Scream Awards. Image Courtesy of reported earlier today that Alan Ball is tired of True Blood and wants to leave. This is what they said below…

Exclusive: There’s a rumor going around that Alan Ball, creator of the great and successful HBO series, “True Blood,” may leave the show. No disputes. He just says he’s exhausted. Well, he’s given a log of blood. Maybe he needs a transfusion. My guess is that HBO will persuade him to stick around and keep an eye on Sookie and the vampires. Ball, of course, created and wrote “Six Feet Under” and directed the Oscar winner “American Beauty.” Vitamins please! I don’t know how he does it anyway. “True Blood” really is a complex masterpiece. Anyway. this is just a Friday rumor and not confirmed.

They later, go on to say…

update: I am told that Ball isn’t leaving but will step down from running the writing staff. He will remain as Executive Producer.

I’m not sure what to think. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? The writing staff will still have to answer to Alan Ball and his “vision”. He will still be calling the shots. While he won’t be writing episodes anymore…overall, he will still have the final say as to what is shown on True Blood.

What do you think? Share your thoughts below!

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