Diaries Magazine


By Latoya @latoyallawrence


Sunday, February 05, 2006 at 4:37 PM EST

I watch the news every day and yesterday i heard that HIV is on the rise more so now than ever. That 80,000 people are infected with AIDS, and 20,000 are infected and they don’t even know it.

I heard it is said that AIDS doesn’t have a look, that you can’t tell who might have it but that is not true. A neighbor and i have even discussed this issue. HIV shows up a lot in a person’s face. Sometimes their cheeks are sucked in. And some of them have twitches similar to a drug-addict, their bodies may appear stiff and they talk out of their heads.

Some people with HIV or full blown AIDS are very hurt, angry, or depressed and when they find out that they’ve contracted the deadly disease they intentionally go out and spread it to other people. Instead of doing this they should go and seek some serious counseling. But all can’t be reached by this method they are going to go do what they feel while they’re in their emotional state.

So the only thing that i can say to anyone who is having sex and cares about their bodies be very cautious in this day and age because people don’t care. Even if it’s someone that you think you can trust beware, you never know. Protect yourself the best way you know how. You only get one life to live and life is too short to be miserable living with such a foul incurable disease when you could be enjoying a happy healthy life.


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