Fashion Magazine

Aging Gracefully

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
... continuing with the topic of compliments: This past weekend a friend said, "You are aging gracefully." While I know that she meant it as a compliment (and I took it as a compliment) I don't think I am ready to associate myself with that phrase yet! You see, I usually use that phase for people who are way in their late 40s and up. Those are the people who are 'aging gracefully' not me!  According to me, LIFE can either be like climbing a plateau or a hill. At one point or the other (hopefully) you  will reach the peak and there onwards you either continue walking straight for a long time (aka aging gracefully) or if you are not that lucky then you are on your way down (aka aging disgracefully?).  I do not have a problem with aging AT ALL. Neither do I believe in agesim! But when I haven't even yet figured out what I wanna be when I grown up, how could I have peaked already? Y'know what I mean?
P.S. I do know that I over-think random incidents from life. But if I didn't do that, then I wouldn't have a blog either. #JustSayin (;
Aging Gracefully
Aging Gracefully
Aging Gracefully
Aging Gracefully
Aging Gracefully
Aging Gracefully
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Aging Gracefully

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