In the face of the latest mass slaughter of innocent Americans, check out what our Missouri State Legislators are doing this week in Jefferson City. Check this out from the Star today.

In wake of mass school shooting, Missouri lawmakers push forward pro-gun legislation
After hearing five hours of testimony Monday afternoon and into the night, lawmakers returned to the Capitol on Tuesday and voted out of committee a handful of bills that would expand where Missourians can carry their concealed firearms. They voted down bills that would have required background checks and repealed aspects of concealed carry without a permit, which lawmakers legalized in 2016.It's nearly unbelievable.
We keep getting more and yet more shootings and killings and all these Right Wing, Republicans can come up with is the NRA mantra: "MORE GUNS!!"
It's insane. It also goes against every scientific study out there.
Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows
- Scientific American
Heck, it even goes against Missouri's own experience with guns after they just loosened our laws a few years ago, in 2015, with negative results.
In Missouri, Fewer Gun Restrictions
and More Gun Killings
They learn nothing.
Check out the data for yourself:
Homicide | Harvard Injury Control Research Center
Gun Threats and Self-Defense Gun Use |
Harvard Injury Control
Gun Ownership |
Harvard Injury Control Research Center
Then, very famously, there is the glaring Australian example of what works with guns.Massive study of Australia's gun laws shows one thing: they work
I'm not suggesting we here in the US are capable of doing what they did. What I am saying is that it proves less weapons are the way to go for reducing shootings and killings. It doesn't even seem it needs to be said but sadly, it does.
How many people have to die, have to be killed, until they realize and then act on the hard fact that more guns is exactly the opposite, wrong way to go? We are the only nation in the world with this many weapons that also has these problems. Does that tell us nothing?